“What is it?”
“Marry me, Bella.”
The whole theatre was pin-dropping silent. In the darkness, everyone sat unconsciously holding their breath, anticipating Bella Swan’s reply.
Suddenly the screen flashed black.
A collective groan (when I say collective, think female population) arose from the audience as the lights flickered on and the credits start scrolling up the screen. Everyone slowly began rising from their seats to leave. "My gosh, there's abrupt and then there's abrupt," one gal said to her friend, running her hands through her hair in an act of releasing the pent-up tension.

There are love-hate reactions to this new Twilight sequel New Moon. I've heard people comment that "the movie sucked" but I really don't see a valid reason why. Perhaps if you entered the theater without preconceived notions on how such and such a scene should be or would be portrayed, you might enjoy it better? And even if you didn't, you don't have to go around bursting the bubble of anticipation of others who have yet to watch it, do you? It's not like the acting was pathetic, or anything. At the very least you cannot possibly have missed the poetic beauty in the graphics and the scenes...some of them were absolutely awesome!
It must be human nature, then. People just enjoy expressing their opinions on anything and everything. (It's true, I'm not lying. Why do you think this blog thingy even exists?) To those of you who haven't caught the movie, my advice is to set aside two and a half hours and watch it for yourself. If you have been looking forward to this sequel for so many weeks already, why should you let others' negative reviews bother you? Watch it with an open mind and enjoy the movie for what it's worth!
Although the plot is rather predictable, I for one think it an entertaining continuation to the Twilight story and liked how it turned out, despite the rather abrupt ending. Nevermind that there were oohs and ahhs from the fans of Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson whenever they appeared on the screen, New Moon was a confirmation that the directors made a good choice in getting Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan, the girl star of the movie.
While all three did a great job in their roles, her talent to express all the emotions of a teenager going through break up and confusing moments in life are well-showcased in this latest hit. From heart-broken, depressed girl to adrenaline junkie to her mad dash across the Italian Courtyard to save Edward, she is constantly caught in action.
The struggle Bella faces is that both Edward and Jacob can provide her a sense of security, a security so strong that you feel like as long as you are with him, nothing and no one can hurt you. You’re safe. When you have two guys fighting to protect the one they love, and that ONE happens to be the same person - YOU....what do you do?
Reality check: It’s usually the opposite in real life, unfortunately, with neither guy able to provide full security. But after all, you cannot expect so much out of a human. It's not like he's some vegetarian vampire or shape-shifter who might suddenly transform into a wolf, right.
Or what about loving someone so much you must decide to hurt that person now temporarily to prevent him or her from greater hurt in the future? It must be one of the hardest decisions to make in the world, the kind that you hope and pray you'll never have to make for real, because to hurt the one you love means hurting yourself 10 times more...
So if hurting the one you love is one of the hardest things in the world, then the next hardest thing would have to be watching the one you love be in love with someone else. NOT a nice feeling, to put it mildly, but a reality check is not needed for this one since just about everyone has experienced it firsthand atleast once. Does love mean letting go if you know that person is happier with someone else, or does it mean quietly holding on to the smallest hope and never giving up no matter what because no one knows what might happen in the future?
"Don't make me have to choose," Bella pleaded with Jacob.
The fairy tales always make it sound so simple: One Prince + One Princess = Happily Ever After, end of story. If only real life was that uncomplicated! It seems that only a fortunate handful can give credence to that equation. The rest of us are left to blunder through the maze of complicated friendships and broken hearts and love triangles, secretly hoping that Mr. Right will turn up soon on his white horse (preferably carrying a huge banner that proclaims HE's the right one, because it's just downright confusing trying to identify him in the crowd) and carry you far far away from the world of falling down, getting up, and falling again.
But for now, we are left to wait in the forest with Bella, weighing the options - her options, until the next sequel Eclipse arrives.
**She might have pushed herself a little too much over the weekend, but the aching muscles and satisfaction of an improved timing is totally worth it!**
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