Monday, March 21, 2011

The Compromise

All morning the war has raged
T'wix fierce Sleep and weak Awake.
For Awake to win is vital
Yet Sleep puts up a struggle
Unwilling to be defeated
but yet it must be! for abit.

Awake is mustering all her power
For Sleep had lunch in his favor
and used it to his advantage
to gain an upperhand on stage.
In turn Awake is using caffeine
and blasting Sleep to smithereens.

This hapless human, the battlefield,
Is begging the warriors for a truce
But neither is willing to give in
For both are desperate to win.
If only Sleep were satisfied
to reign as King of Night
And save Day for the Queen
It would be one compromise
where everyone would win!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


We've asked it often, and yet we ask it again. It has always been the hardest question to answer, and yet often times the most pressing.


It started from as soon as we could talk. We asked our parents, the grown ups, and we expected an answer.

Why is the sky blue? Why does daddy have to go to work? Why do I have to eat veggie?

And as we got into our teen years, the questions changed but the WHY remained. The questions were not just addressed to parents anymore, but to our friends, to ourselves. And we didn't always get an answer.

Why can't I have that gadget which everyone else has? Why do I have to do homework when I'll much rather play? Why must I wear hand-me-downs? Why is She so much prettier than me?

And now, we are adults and at a different stage in life, but we still have questions..burning questions. Only they are most times questions of the soul which we can no longer voice out freely, or rarely do except to God. And sometimes they are questions so deep and intense that we do not even know how to put them into words..

Why are you allowing this to happen, God? Why must I say goodbye to that loved one? Why did I lose that order? Why her and not me? Why now and not then? Why? Why??

When things don't go according to plan, OUR plan...
When we can't see a light at the end of the tunnel...
When we don't know how we got here and don't know where to go from here..
When we don't understand..


The heart cries, "Yes, I know all thing work together for good, I know that there is a time and season for everything, I know that there is a sovereign God in control, but... WHY??!"

And the hard cold truth is... Most times, there are no answers. No answers to the questions which burn in our hearts, which tear us apart. Perhaps Later, perhaps Never, but certainly not Now.

It is so hard to have unanswered questions. They leave aching voids, unshed tears, and spinning heads in their wake.

And what remedy do we have to offer? Quiet moments by the beach, listening to the melody of the waves? Wordless music to express the soul's unspoken feelings? Or the turning up of the volume so that it drowns the voices in your head? Having a heart-to-heart talk with someone close who cares?

Or perhaps as we reach a breaking point, we are reminded, and a quiet confidence steals across our hearts in knowing that "He doeth all things well." It doesn't answer all the questions, it doesn't take away the desire to KNOW... but the gentle peace that is its companion calms the frustrated and care-filled mind, and coaxes us to be patient, to be trusting, to cast all our cares on Him.


"..because He cares for you." (I Pet. 5:7).

**She feels the pressure every time she looks at the White Board**

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Man of His Word

"What are words if you don't mean them when you say them?"

Has that thought ever crossed your mind?

Have you ever been disappointed by someone who didn't keep his word? Been hurt by someone who never really meant it when he said all those sweet things? Questioned the sincerity of someone who was not keeping his promise?

I am not sure if it is a girl thing, but somehow when a person does what he says, that means a lot to me. Perhaps it is because we see so little of that nowadays. Perhaps it is that I am in an environment where verbal promises can be easily made but less often kept, and it heightens my sensitivity to such "trifling things." Talk is cheap, they say.

Whichever way it goes, my rules have not changed - If you want my respect, stay true to your word.

And Chris Medina is one person who has seriously impressed me.

When I first heard his heartbreaking love story, I literally went, "Wow." This young American Idol contestant is currently nursing his fiancée back to health. She suffered brain damage from a tragic car accident two months prior to their wedding date, derailing their happy plans. Yet six months later, he is still there beside her, saying, "What kind of guy would I be if I were to leave when she needs me most?"

Boy, that's the kind of guy I want.

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight
And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

I'm forever keeping my angel close

**She just watched an electrifying game between Liverpool & Man U... 3-1, YNWA!**