Well, these work-out 'stuff' happened a few weeks back, (which makes it feel like ages ago that it happened) but I'm only just now getting time to post them, so I figured I might as well do it now
rather than not. Quickly though. I'm not worried that it's 2:30AM in the morning. It's more the thought of looking like a panda or zombie tomorrow that's placing a little more speed to my flying fingers...
But then again... NEWS FLASH: I get to sleep in tomorrow! AGAIN! The luxury of a two-day-in-a-row-can-sleep-in occurrence comes so rarely that I totally have to take advantage of it, as Dave, Kim, and I have reiterated enough times today over high-fives and cheers.
So. Enough beating around the bush.
*Rewind memory tape three weeks back*
Date: 5 Dec 2009
Location: Chua Chu Kang Sports Hall
Event: FX Badminton Challenge
For the first time in the history of Fuji Xerox Singapore, we are gathered for a company badminton challenge.
Chris, Martin & I, while awaiting our turns to play ball on the court.
Eveline from the Baddies team, serving
The spectators-cum-players who cheered the fighting teams supportively..
Heng Heng Team VS. The Baddies - camera, lights, ACTION!
It was tiring, challenging, & loads of fun :)
*Now fast-forward less than 24 hours ahead, skipping the visit to the country club with Doreen, rushing home to bake a cake for Mom, dinner, sleep, blah blah blah*
Date: 6 Dec 2009
Location: Outside Esplanade
Event: Standard Chartered Marathon
It is 7:00AM, and my supportive cheerleaders are all wide awake with me, giving moral support as I prepare for the 10KM run @ 8:30AM. :)
As Jaze and Tom were running the 21KM half-marathon at the same time (with their run starting @ 6:30AM), the three of us linked up in the last two KM where the roads blended together, and crossed the finish line 3 abreast. It threw my timing of 72 minutes off by a little, with a give and take of about 5 minutes, but it was worth the thrill of ending the race together. Believe me, it was an exhilarating moment.
On the back of our shirts, we were given a space to write some "words of encouragement" to the runners whom we overtake *ahem*. After throwing in and then throwing out ideas on some positive lines, I settled for my favorite two words - JIA YOU. It just seemed pretty fitting, given the occasion, ya know.
Oh, and you know what I found out?
Pushing yourself physically, no matter how long you have to crash later on to make up for it, is the way to go. Nothing beats the adrenaline rush, the mental cudgeling, the satisfaction.
**She hopes she can hide all the butterflies and nervous excitement behind a poker face tomorrow evening...Ok, scrap that. I'm freaking excited foot-stop.**
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