I honestly don’t believe I could have survived this long in the office that I am in now, if it weren’t for the little moments of laughter that pop up here and there like some jack-in-a-box. You can’t begin to describe how REFRESHING it is to crack up over a sudden joke, or something hilarious that occurred, especially when the stress levels are constantly reaching new highs.
Like the other day when Lois imitated Peter’s “I got so many things to check leeee.”
Or when one of my crew called me about a delivery and in the background another of them was yelling, “Emily, are you single?”
Or when my shifu in office, reminding me that a student is supposed to make/buy tea for the master, quickly added hintingly, “but sake also can.”
Or when upon my telling my friend to cross fingers and eyes and toes, he replied, “Cannot! (if) cross (my) eyes, wait (they) get stuck..(and I) cross (my) toes cannot cause my toes are too fat!”
And of course, the best laughs are those pointed at yourself…so, kudos to the Em-only moments…
Like when my colleague asked me how to spell Kenneth, and I was so distracted with my work that I absentmindedly replied, “K-e-n-n-e-f.”
Or when I swirled the wine in my short glass cup this evening too hard so that some of it sprang out from the cup and onto the table. Seriously, it sprang out on its own. I swear I didn’t tilt my cup!
Ok, laugh all you want. It’s crazy, I know.
There are a zillion other mini-moments that happen every day which, if I were to record down, would take up way too much time and space. So instead, they’re all stored up in this jumble-mumble of a brain, and whenever in need of a laugh, I just need to go to the library and pull out a memory card to bring back a smile (and then have to wipe it off my face just as quickly as it comes, or risk people thinking me weird, like…why is that girl smiling to herself when she’s all by herself??).
Anyhow, good things including funny moments are always better when shared. (Which explains why my sis always gets hit by a torrent of stories every evening when we get home from work, thanks to yours truly’s eventful workdays.) So to all the laughter bugs of my day, I would like to say a big THANK YEW. You just kept another strand of my beloved hair from turning white.

**She feels nitrogen-deprived...I miss my underwater home so so much!**
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