Monday, January 25, 2010

The Sweet Tooth Fairie

I was supposed to meet Fio and a group of friends to watch "The Tooth Fairie" last Friday but there was a change of plans. I hope she had fun watching it with her hubby instead!

So instead, I woke up early the next morning (read earliER than the usual 1PM) and decided to be a Sweet Tooth Fairie instead. After all, there was the excuse of Henry's housewarming that evening. I can't possibly go to a pot luck dinner with my hands empty, can I?

So after driving to the nearest G-Value at Serangoon Central myself after like, ages or weeks of not sitting in the driver's seat (and I STILL managed to park perfectly straight on my first try!!) and trying to maneuver myself and the red shopping basket around the swarm of old aunties doing their Saturday morning marketing, I rushed back home to get lunch going and whip up my brownies at the same time.

Then just about to get into the thick of things, I remembered my camera.

Run to get my camera from the bedroom. Pause on the way back to turn the music player louder. Flip the recipe book to the page that I almost know by heart already. After all, it's my favorite brownie recipe which I've probably done more than a hundred times by now. Spread a towel on the counter with the mixing bowl and mixer.

Ok, NOW we're set to go.

First, the eggs. and oil. and brown sugar. and vanilla essence. thrown together into the wonderfully huge mixing bowl.
whip them together.
Melt the baking choc over the pot of boiling potatoes (that are for lunch). It's hard times, ya know. I'm tryna be economical over here and save on the expensive gas.
Pour the melted choc into the previously mixed batter.
"Stir showy."
Actually, no. It should be "beat well." Like, turn the mixer to top speed and let those metal swirling spoons hash it out with the Dark Brown VS. Light Brown.
Next, spoon in several tablespoons of the expensively canned cocoa powder. I think just the price of the packaging alone busted my savings, with all them gold words.
The messily fun part - sifting.

Not forgetting Miss Independent Flour... We could always do with some dough. Literally and otherwise.

Watch the mini snow storm rain down on Sweettooth Town.

Bury the dry ingredients and emotions underneath till it turns into a warm serene dark brown.
Make a sweet thing sweeter with chocolate overload. I never heard of anyone who has died from over-sweetness, have you?
The first part of the final step.
Does it look good? :)

There is little rival to the sense of satisfaction that comes with completion.

We were created to create. Every article of scrap on a scrapbook page, every stitch of the needle into the fabric, each crumb of brownie is a silent witness of the flow of emotions that went into making it a work of art.

And at the end of the day, I hope the rest of them enjoyed the end-product.(:

**She expects the coming week to be crazy with the usual Month-end Madness**

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