That's the sole reason why the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus is a best-seller. It is a mystery to ladies what actually goes on inside a guy's mind. Deep thoughts, surely. Scarily complicated, hard to read, and impossible to comprehend...
My brother and I were leaning against the banisters in Changi Airport Terminal 3, waiting for the others who were browsing in a shop, when he turned to me with laughter scrawled across his face.
Coming from a family that consists of a majority of male members, I have since through the years received interesting ideas first-hand of how guys think and function, in opposition to girls. Don't quote me as I do not profess to be an expert in dissecting guys's brains, but upon existing in close proximity with several (cool) (good-looking) (Martian) brothers, one eventually comes to a conclusion on a few facts. For instance, Guys cannot multi-task (e.g., they doodle while talking on the phone. Beat that!), they love cars and speed, they have only One Thing top most on their mind, and they possess huge egos.
And apparently, as I was reminded this evening, they are rather simple creatures, too.
My brother and I were leaning against the banisters in Changi Airport Terminal 3, waiting for the others who were browsing in a shop, when he turned to me with laughter scrawled across his face.
"I tell you ah," he said grinning, his amusement apparently triggered by a memory of some sort, "It's really funny how the way guys and girls think and interpret things are so different."
"Why le?" I waited expectantly for some new revelation of his concerning Martians and Venusians.
"You see, for instance, a guy and a girl can be sitting in the car. The guy is driving-" he imitated a hunching over the steering wheel, "and then the girl turns to him and makes the comment, 'Do you know, we've been together for one year already.'
"And the guy says, 'Wow, one year already ah,' and then continues driving without making any more comments.
"Then the whole time that the guy doesn't say anything, the girl starts getting all kan cheong and anxious, thinking, 'Why is he keeping quiet? Oh no...Is it because he is not happy? Maybe he thinks that one year is too long?' and all kinds of funny stuff."
I nodded knowingly, extremely amused.
"And the whole time, do you know what the guy is thinking? He's actually thinking, 'Humm. One year already. That's 365 days times 24 hours times...'"
"REALLY ah??" I asked, laughing out loud and grimacing at the same time. So much for hoping that guys could be just a tad romantic.
"Really! That's why it's always so difficult for the girls to understand what guys are thinking. Guys are actually really simple creatures one. But the girls tend to read too much into everything. So once the guy keeps quiet only, the girl starts to be all worried and trying to reason out what the guy must be thinking."
"Yeah, that's true." I spoke with the experienced air of one who knew exactly what she was talking about. "It's just the lady's nature, cannot stop it wan. Once anything like that happens, the girl's mind automatically kicks into gear, and starts questioning and reasoning and giving excuses and all that."
Then a sudden thought struck me. Turning back to him, I asked curiously, "So if the girl gets all kan cheong when the guy keeps quiet...then what does the guy think if the girl is the one who keeps quiet? I mean, if he even THINKS anything??"
He looked thoughtful for a second.
"Well, usually if the girl keeps quiet, it means she's angry or upset about something. Especially if she's normally the chatty type. So if the girl keeps too quiet, then sometimes the guy will get worried too. But-" he paused while a mischievous twinkle entered his eyes.
"But...if the girl keeps quiet, then you just keep quiet also lor..?" I finished for him, catching the train of thoughts.
He nodded, chuckling.
I groaned and shook my head as we turned to head for the carpark.
Receiving fresh insights into how a guy thinks is always a bonus point. It may not be how EVERY single guy on this planet thinks, so please don't think that I'm stereo-typing in any way. But hey, we are always learning, are we not? And I guess learning to balance our expectations about Martians might be a good place to start. (:
**She really should get way more sleep than what she's clocking now.**
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