It’s interesting how sometimes we can get so focused on our own work and problems that we start to fall into a Me-Against-Them attitude. Instead of riding out each day with a positive outlook, we end up struggling to make it through each hour in office. Every new obstacle we face, each added frustration in our work makes us conclude that the whole world is out to get us or that “they’re just trying to make things difficult.”
We lose our focus – or rather, we become TOO focused till we end up only seeing the tree in front of us instead of the entire forest all around.
Sure, some days are so crazy we office folks just wanna throw everything out the window – the Laptop, stacks and stacks of documents, and that irritating ringing-itself-off-the-hook phone included…

Just because they don’t bitch about their problems doesn’t mean they don’t have any. Just because they don’t mention it doesn’t mean that they are not swamped with work assignments too. Just because they don’t have the same job scope as us doesn’t exclude the possibility that they’re not also working themselves to death to make it for appointments and meetings and deadlines.
The point I’m trying to make is, we need to keep everything in perspective.

Although it is definitely crucial to stay focused on our own work and not take it to the extreme of busy-bodying into other people’s business, it is always good to step back every now and then and glance at the full picture. It gives us an idea of where we are and where we’re headed, and helps us to look at things more objectively.

That frustrating mountain of a problem blocking our way suddenly becomes just a stepping stone, a nitty-gritty detail which cannot be ignored but becomes small-ER in the light of bigger things.

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