Thursday, November 25, 2010

RIP, Nacho

You never failed to greet us enthusiastically at the door.
You entertained us with your tricks and various dog activities.
You begged for bread with those big brown eyes of yours.
You were sure to be found in the middle of the most happening location at home.
You always responded meekly to the words, "Nacho, OUT!"
You were a part of our lives, for seven years.
You were FAMILY.

None of us foresaw that you would be taken away from us so abruptly, but we know you are now up there in heaven surrounded only with happiness and no pain. Take care of my baby Misty for me, and don't bully her too much.

And in case you didn't see it already, here's some messages for you from the rest of the family:

We'll miss you, dude.

**Without Nacho and Misty, the house feels...childless.**

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