Today is my last day as a Customer Liaison Officer, a position which I have been holding for the past 2 years and 3 months.
And like every big change in life, this one comes with mixed emotions.
On one hand, I am sad. I hate having to say goodbyes, and I will miss talking to the people that I daily liaise with. Liza, Hisham, Zaki, Raymond, Angeline... More than just people that I work with, they have become my friends. And as for the seniors in my department.. even with a 20 year age gap between me and them, we have survived the last 2 years working in close proximity with each other and that in itself says something. I do believe I will actually MISS having those lunches where the 3 ladies are chatting away in spit-fire Chinese, and I am sitting quietly in my corner, listening and trying to understand what they are talking about. And then there's the SDTO colleagues who sit in this side of the office together with the CA team. They are supportive of my decision but sound sad that they will not get to see me as often anymore...
It is not a total goodbye for my office colleagues, because I will still see and work with them, just not on a day-to-day basis. But still...stepping out of your comfort zone means leaving behind the familiar faces and routines that you have known.
It also means taking a plunge into realms not yet explored.
Which pretty much explains my excitement as well. My sales training starts on Tuesday, and there is going to be SO much that I need to learn. New faces, new boss, new job scope, new products...
New challenges.
It's not gonna be easy, but it sure is gonna make pages in the new chapter of my book that I'll never forget. :)
**She thinks she might need to revamp her sleep-style to clock more hours each night.**
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