And I, as usual, was caught off-guard. Without an umbrella.
In the sea of anxious faces peering up at the grey cloudy sky whilst busily digging in their bags for their handy umbrellas, no familiar face stood out. No Umbrella Angel materialized out of nowhere to lend a helping hand today, no knight in shining armor coming to the distressed damsel's rescue.
BUT, the lady standing in the corner of the crowded MRT station exit was giving out newspapers....
It worked.
My make-shift umbrella, I mean. The poor, floppy, wet newspaper worked to keep the TOP half of my head dry.
And nothing else.
It worked.
My make-shift umbrella, I mean. The poor, floppy, wet newspaper worked to keep the TOP half of my head dry.
And nothing else.
Not my clothes. Nor my hair. And most certainly NOT my bag, which is of such marvelous design that it has no flap over the top to cover its contents from sun or rain or thieves.
When I finally reached office, after a final mad dash in the light-drizzle-suddenly-turn-heavy-downpour, I sat down very collectedly at my desk to catch a breath and took stock of the situation.
My findings?
1 set of damp clothes
1 black bag, wettish
Stringy hair
1 tattered wet newspaper, no longer readable
1 soggy piece of bread
So much for wanting to pack breakfast to office....
Moral of the story: Put your bread in a ziplock bag before bringing it for a jaywalk in the rain.
Or, you could just remember to place a lil umbrella in your bag..;)
When I finally reached office, after a final mad dash in the light-drizzle-suddenly-turn-heavy-downpour, I sat down very collectedly at my desk to catch a breath and took stock of the situation.
My findings?
1 set of damp clothes
1 black bag, wettish
Stringy hair
1 tattered wet newspaper, no longer readable
1 soggy piece of bread
So much for wanting to pack breakfast to office....
Moral of the story: Put your bread in a ziplock bag before bringing it for a jaywalk in the rain.
Or, you could just remember to place a lil umbrella in your bag..;)
**She has a sudden craving for blueberry muffins, hot and fresh from the oven, with a thick slab of butter melting right in the middle...Uh-oh.**
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