"Business, you know, may bring money, but friendship hardly ever does."
I think Austen nailed it pretty well.
Hanging out with friends is never easy on the pocket, but hey, this is life, right? It's not like we chose to be born in a high-cost-of-living city like Singapore. And not all of us landed in well-to-do families or were left a large inheritance from old relations, unfortunately.
So unless we unanimously decide to scrimp and eat at the nearby hawker center (which rarely happens anyway because who wants to eat 'normal' food when you're out with friends? Now's the time for the good stuff!), we usually end up with a busted - errm, nearly busted wallet by the end of the day. Well, maybe not everyone. Maybe it's just yours truly, who still fits under the category of 'OK-Only earners.' (Yeah I'm poor, saving up for further studies, and have expensive sports hobbies. Next?)
Point is, poor or not, who wants to be a Scrooge when it comes to hanging out with friends? I mean, if you're even taking the time to meet up with them, you might as well go all the way and not ruin everyone's fun by miser-ing about a few additional dollars spent, right?
Life is short. You gotta treasure the moments you have with friends and loved ones. They may not come often and you don't know when the next one will be.
Conclusion: Be Creative!
Come up with different ideas of chilling out that does not always involve a fancy restaurant. :D
And at the same time, don't rule out that option, especially when you just need a place to get away and catch up with good friends.
Like what Sarah, Kim, & I did, before she flew back to Melbourne for her last school sem! We had an awesome time over some awesome food at Marche, and are looking forward to July when she's back and we can meet again:)
Candid is best right? She had no idea I was taking this pic(:
We decided to get a little more creative for our meet up with our diving khakis, though - POT-LUCK lunch!
The creation of JW, Kim, & I ~ Baked seafood fried rice!
The creation of Hong & Chubbs ~ Fingerfoods
We're finally ready to dig in after spending several hours in JW's kitchen.
And TZY's dish took so many hours to appear we had to go look for it, in his house. Apparently, he was still in the kitchen trying to perfect his Special Recipe sauce. :D
The end result, though, was delicious. Swedish hand-rolled meatballs with TZY's Special Recipe sauce, new rivals of IKEA's meatballs!
See? We've even prepared the advertisement picture for him to use.
Then after the incredibly late lunch that ended up as Linner or Dunch (whichever you prefer) and a movie, we hung out some more at Toastbox drinking kopi, just like the old folks.
Today I'm just gonna smile as I store away more priceless moments shared with a bunch of close friends. No matter how rich we may get eventually, it will not be able to buy time or bring back moments that might have been lost if we were all too busy worrying about how big the holes in our pockets would be by the time we get home that night.
Yep, I may have maxed out my budget for the day, but who cares? We had a great time. And that's what matters most to me. (:
**Her throat, her crazy throat, needs to get well before Wednesday. Because Wednesday means back to work. Which means loads of phone calls. Which means many many the talking. And no way is she gonna risk a relapse THIS close to the first dive of the season.**
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