A weekend of fun and laughter,
Of bubbles and trigger fishies,
Boats, sand, sun, and water,
Turtles, regulators, and BCDs.
Life's cares left on the surface,
Free falling into the deep blue sea,
Underwater is one cool place
We all love and wanna be!
Of bubbles and trigger fishies,
Boats, sand, sun, and water,
Turtles, regulators, and BCDs.
Life's cares left on the surface,
Free falling into the deep blue sea,
Underwater is one cool place
We all love and wanna be!
~EL (10.10.09)
Yes, I visited my underwater home yet again.
This time, it was for a leisure dive while some of my friends got their OW certs. And yes, we took plentiful pictures. These are just some of the snapshots that encapsulate the fun we had!

Lunch on the front deck of the boat between dives
Zhan Peng, Ivis, & I
Dive buddies!:)
da hunks
da babes
Jaze ~ my cool bro and DM^^
The jack-in-the-box morray eel
Open Water students doing their fin pivot skills
Its so cute to see couple fishes swimming around together!
AOW student practicing their navigation skills
Kevin, SP, & I with the beautiful Saturday sunset!
Enjoying the famous Dayang BBQ dinner
big smiles on the dive boat
Rigging up
Feeding bread to the fishies
Hanging around...underwater...
Tagging along with the OW's Sunday leisure dive
A huge puffer fish!
Instructor Cynthia...cool as ever...
This little yellow-striped cutie decided to tag along with us during the entire dive!
Oh da joy of swimming through a school of fishes~
One of my fave shots of the weekend ~ our group of fun divers!:)
Bobbing at the surface and taking pics while waiting for the boat to pick us up after the last dive..
DAYANG (courtesy of Shao Peng's avid photography skills)
Love the scenery of the dive sites!~
It's a small world after all when your colleagues and brother find out that they were in the same NS batch ^^
Friends who dive together have FUN together:)
**She is looking forward to tonight's dinner with her beloved family**
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