Wednesday, July 22, 2009

There's young and then there's young.

Guys being guys, and gals being gals, it is only a matter of time before both turn their attentions to matters of the heart.

But when Cupid comes knocking in the form of a cute, bubbly little 7-year-old, you cannot help but be caught by surprise. Mixed with amusement. And, maybe, just a tad of dismay, that the little one should start imitating the adults in their game of Hearts so early....

Ok maybe I'm just making it sound too drama. But seriously, wouldn't YOU be startled and amused if a 7 year-old started calling you his GF??? It's like, okayyyyyy, and here I was treating you like my little brother....

Maybe the fact that there is no 'generation gap' between me and him when he comes with his Mummy to office (in comparison to his talking to aunties who have 30 or more years between them to be bridged) has influenced his way of thinking. Or maybe it was his father's teasing that sparked the idea, after hearing my name pop up more than a few times after just one visit to office. Or maybe... I don't know, maybe I don't wanna know.

Whatever it is, I shall just revel in the fact that his little mind probably does not think any further than just the term itself. And hopefully the innocence of childhood will keep things simple and sweet and uncomplicated for as long as possible. As my brother said, "Better not break his heart at such a young age ahh...don't want him to grow up a troubled and depressed fella just because.." Heehee. Hopefully not!

Don't grow up so fast, Gareth-boy:)

**It has been everlastingly long since she last visited her under-world...I wanna go divinggg!**

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