Friday, August 14, 2009

You know you have a cold when...your nose is redder than your cheek.

Something tells me I should be clocking a bit more hours of sleep than what I have been getting.

Something..probably that THING in the middle of my face that has been dripping irritatingly like a spoiled faucet all morning, and collecting 'blessings' from the colleagues around me with each ahhh-chooo...also commonly known as the Nose....

Somehow the calendar which I tried my best to keep clear for the last few weeks of repose is rapidly filling up again. Not to mention last week's amazing dive trip over the long weekend (pictures to follow soon!). And the midnight suppers. And the after midnight excursion to see the meteor shower which is supposedly viewable in East Asia. Well that is, we wanted to see it. What we did see upon reaching the Yishun Dam at 2AM was a beautifully clear night sky with a half moon grinning at us and barely a star in sight...and certainly none in the process of falling. Sadded...I did so want to catch a lucky star...

And now I have a 500-page book to add to my list of distractions - Left Behind. It is probably a dangerous idea to get started on a long series of very thick books just when I'm supposed to be concentrating on successfully completing my Rescue Course in two weeks time, alongside a zillion other things that are on my To-Do list for this month, but...BUT... ah, any avid book lover knows the thrill that comes from holding in your hands a book fresh off the shelf, with the smell of newness still sandwiched between its pages...the joy of knowing it contains a million black smudges on beige paper, more than enough to provide ample food for thought or beguile a sometimes wearisome MRT journey to and from work...

I do feel a little more refreshed after the Essence of Chicken and Vit B Complex which someone so thoughtfully gave me last night though, and the thought that it is Friday - the last day of the work week - does wonders in cheering up the most weary spirit. So what if FX management wants us to come in at 8.15AM and stay till 7PM for the coming two weeks till the end of August? I'm not going to need to worry about that for the next two days. And I don't intend to...

Weekend, here I be!!!

**For some reason, her mind refuses to focus on her work...**

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