A friend commented, after joining my siblings and I for a late night chillout, "It's like a group of friends who happened to be brothers and sisters!"
And you know what? I agree.
Not all the stress in the world can withstand the balm of FAMILY.
It doesn't matter what we're doing, as long as we're all there together.
It's the comfort and security of knowing that whatever may happen or come our way, we would face it together.
We would be there for each other, through thick or thin.
The happiness of good things are multiplied, and the bad things are helped to be borne.
"Love" doesn't have to be said, it is almost tangible through the actions.
We love being together.

Whether it's on big wheels...

...Or small wheels.
Because when we're together, it's really like FLYING WITHOUT WINGS.
And times like these, I know I'm the luckiest gal in the world.
**Tonight was back to the classroom for her. Or rather, in the classroom for the FIRST time, for her**