:: The smallest hope ventures where reason dares not. But then again, love does not always consult common sense before taking the chance, so perhaps there is room for just a little hope...
:: Never make a promise you cannot keep. Give people the valuable gift of being able to trust what you say. Or at the very least, don't make enemies out of people by not standing by your word time and time again. Disappointment and Anger are willing advocates of Resentment, ma' dear.
Philosphy aside, I met some of my Bestis for an all-girls chillout on Sunday afternoon. It had been months since our last meet, and there were tons of things we needed to catch up on! So trust us to come up with an ingenious way of updating each other on the ins and outs of our busy, crazily jammed packed lives...
Kim, Deb, & I, having fun as usual
Sarah choosing her dessert, oh-so-seriously ;)
MOF @ Raffles City
Ice cream galore~~
I {heart} u, Deb :)
An interesting concoction...no wonder Sarah took so long to choose from her menu...
The sisters, Sarah & Leah, excited over their ice-creammmm
Deeb + Leah = crazy times
Kim & her Espresso Affocato (or something liddat)
Our gal times always ROCKZ!!!
So here we are. Our "Truth or Dare" Game. The Rules - Share a recent personal incident according to the colors chosen. DARK BLUE = a disapointing moment. BLACK = a mysterious secret. RED = matters of the heart. YELLOW = a happy memory. GREEN = something/someone that made you envious or jealous. And for ORANGE = (contribution from Leah) how about...a 'gay' moment?
Deeb & Kim officially kicked off the story telling time with Deeb's Russia Trip and Kim's Personal Details.
Leah sharing her heart out to attentive listeners
For each person, we got to choose one color, and the person had to spill the juicy details amid the laughter or sympathetic nods. It was F-U-N.
Deeb kept herself busy with interesting pics while we exchanged stories.
Sarah showed us pics of her recent Switzerland honeymoon....sweeeeeeetttt.
OUR table.
Poor S couldn't help falling in love with this awesome babe!;)

Lurve u gals :)
**It has been 10 days, and the nagging cough is still harrassing her. She is worried that it might not clear in time for her to properly train for the upcoming 10KM SCM...**
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