**It has been 10 days, and the nagging cough is still harrassing her. She is worried that it might not clear in time for her to properly train for the upcoming 10KM SCM...**
Don’t ever trust those words. Especially when they come from my Mom. And she’s referring to grocery shopping.
While we were finishing lunch today, she announced, “Girls, can yal help me? I need to do just a little bit of shopping after this to stock up the cupboards. Totally empty already.”
For the two of us sisters who are not fans of any kind of shopping for starters, grocery shopping ranked first from the bottom of our ‘types-of-shopping-we-enjoy’ list. Not that we don’t have fun whenever we go shopping together, for sure. We still somehow manage to make every shopping trip a time of laughter and teasing as we walk through the aisles, basket in hand. But the thought of doing grocery shopping on a relaxing Sunday afternoon just didn’t go down well. And we wanted to support our two bros who were playing in a soccer match later.
“Isn’t Sunday supposed to be a day of rest?” I groaned.
“Yeah, must be today meh?” Kim chimed in, looking for options.
“Don’t worry, we do a chop-chop one,” Mom reassured us, as she got up from the table. We just shot her disbelieving looks.
An hour later, after having strolled through the entire supermarket with Kim and gotten the required items, I went looking for Mom. I found her standing at one corner, a basket filled with food at her feet, typing an SMS into her phone.
“What happened to your chop-chop?” I inquired.
Her head popped up. “I was just SMS-ing you!” She exclaimed. “Can you help me carry that basket to the counter? I got no strength to carry it. I just pick up some meat and then we can go already.”
Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I picked up the heavy basket. After all, mothers will always be mothers. “Meet us at Counter 11 ya,” I called back to her as I trudged away.
15 minutes passed. We are finally queuing up at the counter to pay. Stepping back, I took one look at the counter and shook my head.
“And you call this ‘a LITTLE bit of shopping.’”
We still made it in time to watch our bros play the second half of their game, though.
It’s a goal!