Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It never rains..

It always pours.

You've heard that saying or said it yourself time and time again. Trite, I know, but it hits the head on the nail every time, and I vouch for its authencity.

Somehow no matter how positive or strong you are, there will always be those days.

Those days.

Those days where everything that can go wrong, does. Those days where bad news comes, one after another, like some irritating Follow-The-Leader game. Those days that, just when you thought you were getting back on your feet after a let-down, another disappointment comes along, and slams into you the hardest because it hits you closest to home - your heart.

Today was one of those days.

Disappointment was just the tip of the iceburg. Beneath, there was a multitude of other emotions - indignation at a great injustice, sympathy for the one wronged, shock at the sudden news bomb, frustration that such things should and could even happen, protective anger that anyone should dare hurt my loved ones whether directly or indirectly, and heart pang at a certain news.

You want to, and you DO say, "I don't care." And yet, deep inside, you know you do. And that is what leaves you all the more frustrated and weary.

Because if you really didn't care, then it wouldn't hurt so badly. If you didn't hope, you wouldn't be disappointed. If you didn't love, you wouldn't be protective.

But even as you blink back the tears in your eyes, the realization slowly dawns on you... that that is exactly what life is all about.

In order to appreciate the sun even more, we need to have some rainy days.
In order to truly love, we need to experience pain.
In order to properly value all that we possess, we need to go through loss.
In saying goodbye, we realize not to take hellos for granted.
In letting go, we see how much we actually have.
In looking at things in retrospect, we learn lessons for the future.

True, Life may not be all good, but it is not all bad either.

While the sun may be hidden behind the clouds temporarily, let's not forget to trace the silver linings.

**She just preached to herself, and hopes she goes away the better for it..**

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