This morning on the way to work, I started sneezing in the train..and have not stopped ever since. I've already popped a panadol earlier to ease the nagging ache in my head, but it has done nothing to plug the tap in the middle of my face. And on the way back after doing 2 hours OT last night, the sudden feeling of fatigue that swept over me convinced me that I was not fully back on my feet after last Thursday's bout of high fever. Today's physical level seems to confirm the truth I was reluctant to accept last night.
Whatever...I just need to get over it - whatever it is - by Thursday. Coz Thursday is Joelle's BIG DAY, and I totally wanna be there for her! The preparations, discussions, buys, and Bachelorette Party has all been leading up to this moment, and I can't wait to see her finally tying the knot. =)
Oh and when you think Bachelorette Party, think "crazy," "wild," and "fun." It's a good thing not every chill out time is a hen's night or my mother will die of a heart attack. As it is, 4/5ths of the pics that we took that night are strictly sensored. As for the other 1/5th taken before 9PM (meaning, when everyone was still sane), well here they are....
Jay, Joelle, and I - the only three early birds who made it on the agreed time to Bar Stop!
..the hen with some of the chicks..
Ta-da! ~ The sporting bride

A sweet demure picture.... before the night began...
Just two more days till I hear Ms Joelle Liw saying her vows!!!^^
**Reminiscing certain pleasant memories bring a warming sensation..looking ahead to what might be brings a skip of the heartbeat**