Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Romantic Comedy

First let me clarify that NO, I am not a sappy, starry-eyed teenage girl fan of Zac Effron. Although I do not deny that he has both looks and talents to wield for his many melting fans in the Hollywood scene. But watching his latest movie 17 Again, it was impossible to totally ignore his charm and the endearing manner with which he portrayed his character to the audience. I do not wish to give account of the entire story, but the most heartwarming thing for me in the entire movie was seeing how the main character Michael Donnell, even when transformed into a handsome young 17-year old again and daily interacting with pretty high school girls vying for his attention, always had eyes only for his wife.

The most touching scene was of the transformed Michael reading a 'letter' in court to his wife, who was trying to get a divorce from the man he once was. It was a really romantic love letter, recalling how he felt from the first moment he saw her, and yet ending with the saying that loving someone meant being willing to let that person go. The entire way through, he was fighting back his tears, struggling to maintain a clear voice amid the overwhelming emotion. After he finished 'reading' from the piece of paper, he was escorted from the courtroom by the police, and the stunned wife asked the judge permission to take a look at the piece of paper he was reading from. When she picked it up from where he had laid it, the only words on the paper were the address and time of the court meeting. At that particular point in the movie, my vision got blurred by the tears, and I had to wiped them away to watch till the end where the husband and wife are finally reunited with rekindled love for each other.

Call me a romantic and a chic-flick lover if you will, I cannot remain untouched when such scenes like this are shown, especially when advocating a good moral principle of faithfulness in true love. To me, it was $8.00 well spent.

**Love is giving someone the ability to break your heart, but trusting them not to**

1 comment:

  1. Love is giving someone the ability to break your heart, and continuing to love them even if they are still breaking your heart.
