So just like that, two months have flown by since my last post.
There are so many things I would like to blame it on.
Work. Catch-up dinners which I promised would come after my exams. Family time. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Movies. Work. Dive trip. Weddings. Chillouts with friends. Niece-time. Sleep. Or the lack of it. Work…Oh, did I mention that already?
And at the back of my mind, the thought would nag, “I need to write a post soon.” And I would reply back, “Ok, when I get some free time.”
And this dragged on… and a week passed, and then another… and then a month… until it dawned on me – Hey, I WON’T be getting any free time. Not any time soon, anyways. Not when I just jumped headlong back into another crazy semester of school. Not when I’m waking up at 4.30AM to work on my school assignments before heading to work. And it’s AUGUST, the month of high expectations and blood pressure. Hello, Big-time Stress. Goodbye, Beloved Sleep.
Finally, I decided I shouldn’t wait for what’s not coming. I’ve decided to sit down, with my 11PM Maggie dinner in front of me, and just WRITE. Write about what’s happened, and what’s happening, in my little world, if you care to know. But don’t get your hopes too high, I’m working on an extremely tight time limit here (think 15 minutes). Let’s see where we can go with this.
SO. After that uber long-winded explanation on my lack of presence in the past two months, here’s a little peek at what I’ve been DOING, in the last two months. Ya know… just to support my little argument with “evidence.” (Thanks a lot, dear Thinking Critically module. I have learned my lesson well.)

I am making the same excuses, must-write-update-soon. I am glad you are living your life to the fullest though! Enjoying nieces and friends, and hopefully school and work some too. :P