Last New Year, When the clock struck midnight, I was
standing in the freezing streets of Times Square, yelling "Happy New
Year!" through chattering teeth and beaming at all the lovebirds smooching
around us.
I was happy - partially because 2013 was finally here,
and mostly because it meant I could finally get out from the cold after walking
and standing for the past 7 hours!
But it made for a memorable experience, since it was my
first time in the US and as such, my first time in New York City and counting
down at Times Square in 2°C weather with the other crazy one million
It was also the opening of the door to yet
another memorable year.
A promotion.
Hong Kong.
Backpacking in China.
A new start in Amazing Borneo.
Friends, old and new.
It came, and it has gone.
And just like that, my life is completely different from 365 days ago.
What happened to the days that whizzed by?
LIFE happened.
I remember….
… when my colleague thoughtfully placed a sandwich on my desk, because I had not been able to attend a lunch meeting due to another work meeting.
… those lunches and dinners when I met with various friends, and we just talked. No Facebook checking in, no picture taking to "capture the moments"... just ENJOYING the moments and the company.
... moments of despair and exhaustion, when I felt like the uphill battle at work never seemed to stop.
… those lunches and dinners when I met with various friends, and we just talked. No Facebook checking in, no picture taking to "capture the moments"... just ENJOYING the moments and the company.
... moments of despair and exhaustion, when I felt like the uphill battle at work never seemed to stop.
… when my nieces ran to give me spontaneous hugs.
… how during karaoke session we were supposed to be happy and having fun, but I nearly cried instead, because it was our last time celebrating together as a sales team.
… the evening that my two guy friends and I walked into a karaoke bar, not knowing it was a lesbian hang out; and my friends still managed to be huge hits among the girls, thanks to their amazing singing abilities.
… exploring the streets of different cities around Europe, and drinking in the sights and sounds.
I remember...
… receiving the fateful call from the Sales GM that evening, about getting a promotion to Major Accounts.
… the longest week of my life where I was stuck in bed with high fever for 5 days straight, and my strength simply refused to come back.
… being lost in Chengdu Airport, and my awesome cousin saving us with his ability to speak Mandarin.
… stepping out of the Fuji Xerox office for the last time after five and a half years.
… the special lunch that my sis brought me to, her customary celebration of my birthday.
… when sis, bro, and I trekked through the Blue Mountains… and watched the Mother Whale and Baby Whale playing in the waters outside the Darling Harbour.
… when a sweet little girl whispered to her mummy, “I love Jie-Jie Emily”, and my heart melted on the spot.
I remember...
… taking pictures sitting in the middle of a long windy road at Qing Hai Lake in China.
… making my way through a snowstorm to the Bayern Munich Stadium with my friend, and there was just the snow, and us, and more snow.
… club hopping in the underground clubs of Hong Kong.
… the first day at my new job in Amazing Borneo.
... my sis and I, sitting in the kitchen after a long day, laughing so hard till we cried.
... the crazy night with my AB colleagues in the mountain lodge after a day of hard-core jungle trekking.
... the crazy night with my AB colleagues in the mountain lodge after a day of hard-core jungle trekking.
… saying goodbyes; some in person and some in the heart, and all of them hurting me deep inside.
I remember...
… standing at the top of Mount Kinabalu,
knowing I had made it after the thousands of small steps,
and knowing it is just the first of many more mountains I intend to climb.
I remember MOMENTS.
And I know 2014 is going to be filled with so many more.
Precious moments.
Crazy moments.
Painful moments.
Breakthrough moments.
Breakthrough moments.
Loving moments.
Beautiful moments.
The scary part is not knowing WHAT exactly is going to come in this new year.
The fun part is that too. Exactly.
And whatever comes, I know I'm not alone.
Because right beside me are all the people I love most in this world.
We're facing this new year together,
and it's going to be downright AWESOME.
Because we are.
To my dear friends who read this blog,
who have followed my writings and empathized with me
through the struggles,
and the joys,
and the moments,
Thank you.
Thank you for the support,
whether silent or spoken or shown.
Thank you for just taking the time to read.
You are awesome.
You are the reason
why I choose carefully every single word that I type out.
Your support encourages me
to strive for my best in whatever I attempt to do,
to live my life to the fullest.
Your support reminds me
why I can face each new day and each new year
with a smile and with head held high.